IBS Program 100 Reviews 1999-2001


■■ November 8, 2001   From Erin Dowsley – IBSGroup.org


Ever since I can remember, I have had stomach problems.  As a small girl, maybe 3rd grade, I was admitted into Detroit Children’s Hospital because I would just be so sick with diahorrea and cramping all the time.  They ran the tests, upper GI, lower GI (I remember that one vividly), found nothing abnormal.  I had missed so much school I was in danger of failing, yet when the bus came around in the afternoon, my stomach ache and diahorrea magically disappeared.   The doctors told my parents it was a nervous stomach, and that I needed psychiatric help to overcome whatever it was that bothered me about school that was making me sick.  They labeled it 'schoolaphobia', and sent us on our way.  The psychiatrist I saw for years, up until I was a Sophomore or Junior in high school, never did figure out what was wrong, but I tried various anti-depressant/sedative type meds to no avail.

My stomach troubles only really bothered me alot when I was stressed, so I became a people pleaser, that way no one would ever get angry at me and my stomach would stay calm.  Smart thinking for such a young girl.    It worked pretty well until my mid-20's, I had taken a job at a very nice company, as I climbed the ladder there over 5 years or so, my job got very demanding, the pressure was extreme to say the least, and I found myself popping imodium just to get through the day.  In late 1998 and early 1999, it pretty much fell apart for me.  I would outline my drive to and from work with places I could stop to use the restroom if needed, and I needed to stop almost daily usually both coming and going to work.  As the job got more demanding, and the management got less and less sympathetic, I found myself completely unable to function, I was having IBS-D attacks daily, it had been months at that point since I had had a normal bowel movement.  I had extreme panic and anxiety, I wouldn't go to the mailbox without needing to RUN back inside and barely making it to the toilet for an episode.  In June of 1999, I quit work on the spot, no notice, nothing.  Just quit.  It was quite liberating, and I thought it would solve all my problems, but it didn't.  I had a very supportive fiancé, and with his help I found a psychiatrist.   He put me on Paxil, which did take a small amount of my anxiety away but did nothing for my diahorrea.  My primary care doctor referred me to a gastroenterologist, who diagnosed my nervous stomach as IBS, after a barium series and a colonoscopy (9/99).  He put me on Lomotil and Levsin SL, they too helped somewhat when I was having an attack, but I was completely helpless to stop them from happening in the first place.  I literally spun out of control, not even getting out of my pajamas for a couple of months.

I was a member if the IBS board at that point for 5  months, and although I was trying what people were suggesting, the calcium, the diet changes, I even got a yoga tape and started to do that... but the helplessness I felt was enough to send me into an unending attack.  Over and over it went, and I kept saying to my fiancé, 'why do you want to marry a sick girl?', we never went out, I ate only very minimally, I certainly wasn't very fun!!  He kept reassuring me that I would get past this, that I wouldn't be sick forever, but I would just cry, I couldn't see past what was happening that very moment, the cramps that doubled me over, the diahorrea day and night, the pill popping.  Right before Christmas of that year (1999) I borrowed money from my mom and ordered Mikes tapes.  I figured that since a friend from the IBS board (Eric) had said they were really helping him, I would give it a shot.  What did I have to lose?  Nothing.  And I had everything to gain.  My life back.  (you don't have to print this part Marilyn, but I waited weeks and weeks to get those tapes.  It seems the first shipment coming to the US got lost, the courier Mike was using at the time was less than reliable, and I waited and waited.  I was quite the impatient one) (sorry I was a bitch Mike).  I finally got the tapes.   Within a week my stomach cramps subsided somewhat.  Within the first month I was actually able to think them away.  Just concentrate, put all my worries in my shopping cart and dump the whole buggy over a cliff.  To slow down the churning, percolating stomach troubles, and to relax into Mike's voice.

I was able to go out, to my sons hockey games, I hadn't been in months... It took only a couple of months to get my entire life back.  My IBS was almost completely gone, and 100% controllable.  I started going out to dinner, taking up hobbies, even going to outdoor concerts.  I had small bouts only when under EXTREME stress, or when I ate things that I knew would be trouble.  And every single IBS attack I have had since the tapes has been manageable simply by telling myself that this too shall pass.

  It's been a year and a half now since I first got Mikes tapes, and they are still on my nightstand, I listen to tape 1 occasionally.  Since Sept 11th, my IBS has come back a little bit.  I think it's the anxiety more than anything.  It's ok though, I am well equipped to handle it.  I may even start the whole 100 days over again soon.   I'm not afraid anymore, the tapes have helped me instinctively know how and when to calm myself down.  I never would have pictured myself here, feeling as good as I do, if it hadn't been for Mike and his tapes.  He is like my very own guardian angel.  And an amazing one at that.  I will forever be grateful for the work he put into making these tapes.

With incredible respect and buckets of gratitude and thanks,

Your big fan,

Erin Dowsley



February 9, 2001 From Ellan – IBSGroup.org

As a behavioral health practitioner – I’m a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in the San Francisco Bay Area – I’ve been using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Couples Therapy (when a partner is involved) to treat my IBS patients for several years now. I had been looking for resources to refer my patients to re: hypnotherapy, since I do not practice hypnotherapy myself. I had read the studies re: the benefits of
hypnotherapy for IBS a few years back, but had difficulty finding hypnotherapists who knew enough about IBS. As an IBS sufferer myself since 1990 (now much improved), I was curious to see what hypnotherapy could add to the treatment options. After seeing the posts on Mikes Tapes, I decided to order them and try them myself , before recommending them to patients. I am on Day 34 now, and am thus far thoroughly
impressed. Very high quality, and a real bargain for the price – one session of hypnotherapy in this area is about the equivalent of the price of the entire tape series.
When I think of all the money that I (and my patients) have spent on IBS treatments over
the years, the cost of the tapes seems like a drop in the bucket. I’m thinking that the
combination of CBT and the tapes might be really helpful for many of my patients.

Thank you Mike for developing this worthwhile resource – your expertise really shows.
 I hope that others will find them as useful as I have.


    February 11, 2001  Sharon Hall – AZ – IBSGroup.org

This will be long, as I have had IBS D/C (D-predominant for 27 years. It's been a long road with IBS, and I want to share my struggles so you know just how far I've come using hypnotherapy.

It began on the first day of school my junior year (1974) in my Modern American Literature class. During that first class, I noticed a girl get up to leave the room to go (I assumed) to the restroom. I thought "How embarrassing, everyone knows where she's going." From that day on, I had to leave that first hour class to go to the restroom. At 8:20 each morning I would feel the urge to go. By 8:30-8:40 I couldn't take it anymore, and would leave the room. This is when my anxiety about my bowel patterns began. I began to worry about if I would have to go, what people thought if me, and that something must be wrong with me.

The avoidance behaviors began. I tried not to do anything in the mornings, which was always the worst time. As I went through high school and college, I began starting my day later and later, until finally, during my senior year of college, I didn't start classes till 1:00 pm. I was ok later in the day, if I felt I'd been emptied out I could carry on with normal activities.

As time went on, I'd have problems in other places. I always had to sit on the aisle seat of the classroom or theater, and be the driver of the car. Once I told someone driving that I had to stop, and they said "No, you're a grown-up, you can hold it." I didn't let anyone drive me anywhere again, till recently.

The first Dr. I went to said it was normal to go several times a day, and not to worry about it. But I DID worry about it, all the time it seemed. So I went to a psychiatrist. It was too difficult to sit in a closed room without a panic attack. She gave me a relaxation tape, and that was it.
I had two children by 1983. This was the most difficult time for me. I think a combination of being a young mother, working, going to school, trying to do what the modern woman was supposed to do, "Have it all," was too much stress. The panic attacks were horrible, and I was nearly housebound at this point.

My marriage was in trouble too, just adding more stress. We started marriage counseling, which lasted only a short time. I ended up staying with the psychologist for two years, trying to get help for my fear, panic, and stomach troubles. I was diagnosed as AGORAPHOBIC. The referring psychiatrist prescribed a tricyclic antidepressant, I think it was imipramine. It was horrible, giving me the worst C/D I ever had. The shrink finally ran out of things to talk about. Let me tell you, psychotherapy does NOTHING for IBS. At this point I still didn't even know I had IBS.

1989 now, and we took a trip to England to see my husband's family. I had no idea how I would make it, and went to see a hypnotherapist. He made a tape for my panic attacks and taught me relaxation techniques. It helped the panic, but my D and urgency was still a big problem.

I saw an ad in the paper for a talk by Lucinda Bassett about stress and anxiety. She could have been talking about me. I bought the stress and anxiety tape course. One of the tapes mentioned "IBS." This was the first time I'd heard the word, and finally, 17 years after my symptoms began, I knew what I had.

I went to my family Dr, so excited that I had discovered IBS. He said he had always known I had IBS, and that he didn't know I needed a "name" for it. Well I DID, I thought I was crazy all these years. He prescribed BuSpar and Levsin. I hated both. Then gave me Xanax, which was a help. I mentioned hypnotherapy to him, but he said he didn't believe in it.

On our 20th wedding anniversary, my husband and I went out to our favorite restaurant. I stopped at the restroom on the way out, and was in there for 30 minutes. My husband was waiting patiently. He was used to me by now. I had a horrible attack, but thought it was done. How could anyone have so much **** inside of them? But it wasn't over. On the ride home we got stuck in a traffic jam in a construction zone. Trapped, no way out. I couldn't hold it, and had my first episode of incontinence on my 20th wedding anniversary. I was horrified. My husband was understanding, telling me not to worry, I was obviously ill.

It was that episode that made me look for a good Dr. I went online, found the IFFGD and this BB. The IFFGD referred me to a terrific GI, Dr. Kevin Olden at Mayo Clinic Scottsdale, and he did a full workup on me. He sent me for PT and biofeedback. He got me on the proper dosages of medications (my GP prescribed me dosages too low to be effective) and supported my use of hypnotherapy. I had good success with it previously, and thought I would try Mike's tapes, which I found on the BB.

I started Mike's tapes with enthusiasm. Change was slow. I went from D to C/D to C to D and around and around. I finished the tapes and was happy with the little improvement I had, maybe 35% at that time. But it wasn't until about 3 months after completing the tapes that I really saw a BIG change. It was then that I noticed my D was gone. My BMs were normal, usually one daily, sometimes two. I can now "hold it" for hours. Sometimes, I'll drive in the car, and notice that I'm not even thinking about where the bathrooms are on the route. That always surprises me. The anxiety is greatly reduced, probably 90%. I sit in the middle of the theater sometimes. I drive with other people. I've been on two vacations, been on 8 airplanes trips, been on a boat with strangers, with no attacks. I was even relaxed and had fun.

At times the old thoughts make their way in. I shoo them away once I notice them. I have had two D attacks in the past 9 months. I can live with that.

I think it's been a combination of things that got me to this place. I still watch my diet, although I have added back some things that were triggers, such as salads and citrus fruits. I do use a fiber supplement. I no longer fear my anxiety which had caused me so much trouble in the past.

Bottom line is, Mike's tapes have been the best thing I've done for IBS. I'm more relaxed, my world no longer centers around when I'll have a BM, I'm a happier person, less crabby and less depressed. I'm a better Mom and a better wife. I'm more active, and I look forward to doing things I avoided in the past.

That's my story.

They help with all IBS symptoms. They even helped my anxiety problems. Do it! The sooner you get started, the sooner you start to feel better. 


 February 14, 2001  From Bettie – IBSGroup.org

Mike, Your tapes have made a tremendous difference in helping me with my IBS problems----I am a firm believer in them....Thanks so much.. Bettie





February 22, 2001 From Tiss – IBSGroup.org

 I am using the tapes and love them. I waited until I could feel justified spending that kind of money. I've spent a lot more money on loads of stuff that didn't work. I guess I got to the point where I thought, what the heck, what have I got to lose… but if it works, then it's cheap!! I have gotten so much better (I'm a C type)-I just can't really even tell you why or how it works. The tapes have a rather pervasive effect with me, I mean, I'm calmer during the day, sleep 100% better, have a BM everyday and overall feel less anxious. My 16 year old son LOVES Side 2 because HE is sleeping 100% better-he and I negotiate which tape he can use
because I'm following the program that is outlined for you.
I think there are some IBS tapes that are cheaper than the these tapes, and I don't know the difference in them. Someone could probably tell you the difference. I think the other ones are about 25.00, or something like that. As for me, I intend to keep using the tapes even when I've finished the program. Some people say that time is a factor that turns them off of the
tapes, but I only listen to them at night while going to sleep, so really no extra time has
to be involved. Good luck. I recommend them.

February 22, 2001    From LG


Before I started the tapes I was constipated all the time, I suffered from almost daily nausea that would not let up, even with motilium (a drug designed to eliminate nausea, whatever the cause), I got a lot of bloating - to the extent that my clothes would no longer fit by mid/late afternoon, cramping pains, especially in my lower right side, lots of flatulence, and almost more importantly I felt miserable most of the time. It seemed that there was not much else in life except was I going to be able to 'go' today and even if I did would it bring relief or would I still feel like there should be more, would I be able to fit into my clothes and be comfortable etc.  After doing the tapes I now feel a lot more positive, I can remember now what a good day is and can keep this is mind when things aren’t so good. Yes I still have bad days, but they aren’t as bad or as frequent. The incomplete evacuation feeling is almost never there, and I very rarely feel sick any more (this is great!). the bloating is less now, and I pass less gas. I got quite despondent when I was doing the tapes because I didn’t really feel any thing was changing until about 60 -70 days, but I emailed Mike and he was good enough to reply and keep me on track. This late action is probably the reason why I like to carry on with the tapes now, plus I can’t really understand how or why the effect of 100 days would last forever without some revision.

After 11 years of having this thing and trying most things I have read about on these BBs (including elimination diets, wheat free, dairy free, antidepressants, homeopathy, yoga, fibre supplements, low fibre diet, high fibre diet, linseeds, laxatives, bulking agents, stool softeners..... I can honestly say that Mike’s tapes have been the most beneficial thing I’ve done, so well worth the time and money.


February 28, 2001 From Julie  

And what "did it" for me was the Hypno Tapes ... as well as helping to reduce my symptoms by around 80%, within a couple of weeks (though I think this is an unusually quick response) I was getting out of the house, and feeling perfectly calm and relaxed in doing so. I felt mentally normal for the first time in a very long time. All the "what ifs" and the "I can't do that because" just disappeared as if by magic. To this day I still don't fully understand why this happened - I can get a hold of why and how the tapes work on the physical symptoms, but it's like I just woke up one morning wearing my "old" head again.




March 17, 2001  From Erin from Michigan – IBSGroup.org

I thought I would add my two cents here. I got Mikes tapes in January 2000 after a lifetime of IBS-D. From about 1990 to 1998 I was managing my IBS with Imodium, but as my career took off, my job got more demanding (on call 24x7) I started to spin completely out of control. In August of 99 I had to quit work due to my IBS. In September, after my first colonoscopy, the doc put me on Levsin SL and Lomotil, this helped for when I had an IBS attack, but it didn't do much in preventative maintenance on the condition. I tried all sorts of kooky, nutty things, one doctor even suggested I take gecko tablets, I was a sucker, I tried everything. I started in on the caltrate plus, but found that I couldn't balance my dosage, and so I quit it. (bad idea). I got on Paxil, which did help with my anxiety induced IBS attacks, but did nothing for my food induced attacks (which seemed to occur at every meal). I lost 25 lbs, (and I didn't need to lose any weight). I finally decided to give the tapes a try, and at the same time, I started back on the Caltrate, with  help in finding the right dosage for me (1/2 chewable 3x a day). Within a month of starting the tapes, I saw I noticeable improvement. Not only in my IBS symptoms, but in my general outlook on life. I seemed more positive about things in general, and in IBS specifically. It really really saved my life. I now go back to them occasionally, like right before my wedding last year. It was the right choice for me, and I feel like I can control my IBS more now than my IBS can control me.



April 2, 2001 From Scotcat-UK – IBSGroup.org

About a year ago I was suffering very badly with IBS-C and was in constant pain. (I'd suffered on and off for many years but never with continuous pain lasting many weeks) After finding this website, I phoned up for the IBS tapes and spoke to Mike personally. Although I was very skeptical that they would work, I was getting so desperate that I would have tried anything!  It must have taken about three weeks before I started to feel any real benefit from the tapes, although I was enjoying doing them anyway as it gave me some time through the day to switch off and relax. I finished the tapes in late September and, by then, all my IBS symptoms had gone. Before I started the tapes, my IBS used to flare up when I would go round to friends' for a meal. I had even been known to resort to lying down flat in their bathroom in an effort to get some relief from the pain. Now I can enjoy my evenings out without worrying any more.  In the 6 months since I have finished the tapes, I have had only occasional, mild cramping, but it has always gone after a day or so. I've even had a major holiday to Florida without any symptoms. When I'm feeling stressed at work or home, I make time to listen to my favourite session(s) again, and that always helps. What I'm trying to say is please stick with the tapes if you are trying them. It might not be instant but it certainly does work. I'd also like to say thanks to Mike - you've turned my life around.


April 15, 2001  From Kate in TN – IBSGroup.org

Yes, I have done it. I started just before Christmas, when I was in a severe, pre-holiday "D" outbreak, and have finished with the coming of spring. No "D" since 12/23. It is not unusual for me to have long spells between the "D", although this is a pretty good stretch for the last couple of years or so. I am trying a few new foods. We were away a couple of weeks ago- at a restaurant I ordered the "safe" chicken I've had many times there, and the new cook had added a spicy seasoning. The next day, I didn't feel too great, but was fine by the next day- my bouts frequently last for weeks to a few months. But, in addition, at a time in my life when I have many more personal and professional stresses than previously, I find that my outlook is much more positive. I am dealing with new challenges at work with more confidence, with a tough situation at home with more hope, and in general with life without as many concerns about the future as I've had previously. From about the second month of the tapes, I would find myself beginning to worry about some future event or do some negative "What ifs?" and before the bad thoughts would take on momentum, I'd find myself thinking,” Well, it certainly isn't productive to think about that", or “There’s no reason to think this negative scenario will play out." I don't know how much of this is due to the tapes, because I've been pretty
pro-active and have made some other changes too. But, on the whole, I think the tapes have been a major factor in the improvement I've seen in my state of mind over the last three months. I intend to continue to listen to them a couple of times a week, and would definitely recommend them to anyone.


May 29, 2001  From Coni – IBSGroup.org

This is a summary of my story:  I'm a 33 year old female, having had IBS-D for the last 15 years (you know that vicious cycle 'fear of having a d-attack and the fear induces an attack and so on'). My panic was so bad I retreated socially completely because I felt too ashamed to speak of my bowels to somebody not as close as my family. I don't know how I survived my twenties seeing friends and colleagues leading the lives of their dreams (holidays, dream jobs, doing everything they wanted to). Somehow, though, I could keep my job and I think that kept me surviving.

When I had another bad time in early 1999, I decided I could not go on like that. I went online and found this BB with many helpful tips. I started the Calcium and found it very helpful. Then I had acupuncture with great success, slowing down my bowel motility. I went down from 6 Imodium daily to 1.

Next I ordered Mikes Tapes last year and have finished them in May 2000. I didn't notice a big difference. In fact, my bladder acted up horribly (I have also a history of chronic UTIs). This made me very depressed. Mike (to whom I'm very grateful) sent me text especially created for my situation and after about 4 months the bladder was better. About 6 months after the tapes I noticed that I was more calm inside and when the panic turned up, could somehow "push it down". I was in Madeira, Mexico, Australia and Mauritius since I have finished the tapes. I was in concerts (although on the aisle seat). I feel like I had grown as a person and become mature. I'm not as deeply depressed and suicidal as I used to be and I survived last autumn without the obligatory autumn-depression. I have to add that I follow psychotherapy as well but I definitely think that the tapes changed many thing in my life. I really would like to listen to them again but am too much afraid that there could turn up another disease like last year. All in all: I recommend the tapes highly.

And last but not least: My mother tongue is Swiss German and the tapes improved my English very much! Thank you Mike for your never-ending support!


June 19, 2001  From Kim in Nebraska – IBSGroup.org

I finished Mike's tapes about a month ago and I have been feeling wonderful! I was seeing some results while doing the tapes, but since I have been finished I have been doing much better. I didn't connect all of this together until my wonderful husband commented on how good I have been recently. I have been eating terribly too since our kitchen has been torn up with remodeling. I know that Mike's tapes have played a positive role in my feeling better. I know that I am much less tense about going places and that I don't constantly fear being sick…


I think that the [money] I spent on Mike's tapes were the best thing that I have ever done for my IBS…  Mike's tapes are wonderful and have helped me so much.


They helped me way more than I ever thought they would. I have continued to improve even after listening to the tapes. Except for one "attack", my IBS has been pretty calm for the last six months which was while I was listening to and after listening to the tapes. Thanks again, Mike!




July 31, 2001  From Tina Goodwin of Kitchener, Ontario, Canada – IBSGroup.org


First of all I would like to thank Mike for the tapes … I would think about getting them and then put it on the back burner, then I would see the threads about it and consider them again. I finally ordered them and now that I'm done I am so happy with the results.

I have IBS C&D. I had slight symptoms for many years but not bad enough to seek help until about 6 years ago. That was when it hit with a vengeance. The pain was so intense, very much like labour pains, only the end result wasn’t cute. Almost every day was like this for awhile. I tried Modulon, Dicitel, Librax and tons of herbal remedies. The Librax helped some, it wasn't everyday anymore, maybe once or twice a week. Because it was still fairly frequent the anxiety about going anywhere continued even when I was feeling okay. I then went on a gluten free diet and improved some more for quite awhile but still I had at least some symptoms almost daily.


Then at last came hypnotherapy. From the beginning my anxiety levels dropped except during a period of personal crisis. I had one setback early on and have not looked back since. I go once a day like a normal person, without any pain or cramping. Now and then I have a day or two that I don't go at all but it is without all that bloating and things return to normal on there own, without using any meds. I think the most subtle change that snuck up on me was that I wasn't thinking about it first thing in morning, you know like what was today going to be like good or bad. I just get up and get on with the day. Sorry if I'm rambling on and I apologize for the spelling, I'm just rushing through this getting ready to leave for holidays. That's another thing, I'm not worried about sharing a bathroom with 6 people for the first time in years! Always the damper on my holidays. I feel I am continuing to improve and look forward to listening to the tapes now and then when I feel like it. I highly recommend them for IBS, the way I look at it is, if you have tried everything else without success, what have you got to lose?


I finished the tapes a few months ago and have improved way beyond my expectations. They were my last resort in my mind. I tried so many different meds and natural remedies some of which helped to a degree but nothing like the tapes. Although I was hoping for some improvement I really did not expect the results I obtained. I was also skeptical about being hypnotized by a tape, I didn't think I would truly be hypnotized but I was and will be forever grateful to Mike.


Also From Tina Goodwin, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada ~ I suspect I had IBS in a much milder form when I was in my teens. It was mostly constipation but not bad enough to really interfere with my life. When I was in my mid twenties I had my first bad attack. It was severe cramping and D. It came without any warning and I made my first doctor appointment. He asked a lot of questions then told me it's just "spastic colon". He did not offer any treatment. It improved over time but I was often aware of mild cramps.

It hit full force in my early forties and was unrelenting. I suffered severe cramping, urgency and would be going all day. It was like this most days. I was depressed and sure something was very wrong with me. This time when I went to a different doctor who was very supportive and ran many tests on me to make sure that it was indeed IBS. Then came several trials of different medications, some did nothing and although one had helped some I still spent several days a week in agony. I then put myself on a gluten free diet and the doctor gave me another medication. This combination helped more than the others all combined but my life still was not normal. I worried about going places and still had IBS attacks now and then. I also hated being on drugs.

In time learned of Mike's hypnotherapy program. I was a bit skeptical and not sure if I could afford it but when I added up the costs of the meds I was taking I thought what have I got to lose? This was the beginning of me getting my life back. The results were not instant but were subtle. For example one day I realized I got up in the morning and got on with the day without one thought to IBS. I hadn't done that in years!

Since I have finished the program my improvement has been remarkable. IBS no longer runs my life. I go months without any symptoms whatsoever. When I do, it is not as intense and usually self inflicted. In other words I know exactly what I did to bring it on. Too much sweets, alcohol etc. I can now eat whatever I want as long as I don't overdo.

I am extremely grateful to Mike for making these recordings and all those involved in getting them out there. I continue to improve and believe I'm not going back.



August 30, 2001  From Clair in York, UK – IBSGroup.org


Have recently finished Mikes hypnotherapy tapes and they have been an absolute godsend to me.

14 months ago I was struck down with severe abdominal pain, alternating C & D and insomnia.

After nearly a year of struggling on trying to live my life as normal as possible, and without any successful treatments available from the medical profession I developed depression believing that I would never again know what it was to have a day without pain.

It was at this point that Eric and others convinced me that the hypnotherapy tapes could help me manage my symptoms.  In the first week of starting the tapes I had my first pain free days in a year and the benefits continued to flow since then.

Within a month I no longer woke up in the night with abdominal cramp, and I was managing to sleep through the night and get a proper night sleep.

Very soon, I noticed a difference in myself psychologically as well - I noticed I was beginning to look at things positively and take things in my stride.

My gastroenterologist has told me that I have severe IBS and most likely it is something I may have to live with for the rest of my life, but that doesn't matter because Mike has given me a tool and set of skills to help manage my symptoms to the point I can live my life normally.

I still have symptoms from time to time, but now I have ways of dealing with them effectively and I'm looking forward to a positive future ahead of me....when a year ago I felt my life might as well be over.

I don't think I'll ever be able to articulate what Mikes tapes have done for me - or how they've done it...but as well as helping me manage my IBS they've made me a calmer and more relaxed person.

From someone who was a skeptic about hypnotherapy....I'm now a total convert.

Thanks to  Mike and all the other people on this forum that have made such a big difference to my life without knowing it….


Further post from Clair:


I tried the hypnotherapy tapes as a last resort because not one thing my doctor or gastroenterologist did for me brought me any relief from abdominal pain.


I started the tapes in March this year and I did notice benefits occurring from the start - for one I started to sleep better than I had in a long time, then eventually I began to notice that my abdominal pain seemed to be so much easier to tolerate - whether that was because hypnotherapy helped me to relax my abdomen or whether it was a psychological or both I don't know.


Then I noticed that my entire outlook to having IBS changed, instead of sitting about thinking "oh why do I have this terrible condition - I don't know if I can go out and do this and that" my IBS became an issue on the peripheral of life not the main issue anymore and every time I had a bad day it would be like "oh well - I'll probably be better tomorrow".

Because of this and not worrying about it anymore, my IBS has become so much better - I no longer suffer from constipation - although I do have Diarrhea, but my worst symptom which was chronic pain has been virtually eliminated.

This is not to say that I don't have the odd day when the IBS decides to play up - but now psychologically I'm much more able to cope with it and take it in my stride so I can carry on working, having a social life etc.

I have also noticed that it has made me a much more calm person, I no longer get all stressed out about tiny little things and worry myself to death. If only I could conquer other health problems like that! The tapes have brought me benefits I couldn't even have dreamt of 12 months ago. You have nothing lose in trying them - they do not have any adverse effects whatsoever - so they can only help even if it is some small way. However, statistics done in the field of gastroenterology do show that there is a huge success rate for hypnotherapy in reducing the symptoms of IBS in patients that do not respond to conventional medical treatment.  I guess at the end of the day the choice is up to you and whether you feel comfortable parting with that sum of money, but considering all the other money we spend on treatments - it is a mere drop in the ocean and real opportunity to help you deal with IBS.  Clair


November 5, 2001   From Kadit   in Alexandria, Virginia – IBSGroup.org

I finished the tapes in August. My symptoms were always mild to moderate but annoying and definitely Top of Mind. Now, they are mostly mild, not as often, and I don't think about it so much. For me, that is the best part. I have never let it stop me from doing what I want, now I know that it won't.

From Phyllis of Bradenton, Florida

Yes, the price of the tapes is a bit high but I for one am finding them extremely helpful. I've only been with the tapes about 4 weeks, but what a difference. I am much more relaxed, worry less about the IBS, have much less pain and cramping and my bm's are relatively regular and getting better. the only problem I seem to have, and I surely cannot blame it on the tapes, is gas -- yesterday had a very bad attack, but I know it will eventually (within a few hours) be over and life will continue. I find the tapes extremely relaxing and calming and am continuing with them as long or longer as/if necessary. Well worth the cost, at least for me.


From Susan Purry  Dorset UK  – IBSGroup.org

I find them particularly useful for pain and D, especially, but not only, pain and D which are directly worsened by anxiety.  I looked at the cost of the tapes as an investment - into my future and my health. That's because the tapes aren't a one-off treatment, if you choose to use them, you can use them and the skills they teach you for the rest of your life.


From  Barbara R.  From San Diego, CA – IBSGroup.org

I realize I didn't have it as bad as a lot of people, but it had a tremendous impact on my life. Since I finished the tapes in mid-August of this year, I've only had 2 or 3 episodes of D and I can't even remember when the last one was now. I have days of lesser symptoms, but overall, I feel almost normal now. I think the tapes are the best thing you can do for yourself. Best wishes.


December 12, 2001   From Celtic Lady – IBSGroup.org

I have been about 90% improved by Mike’s tapes - (yes, I am dancing since I am quite pleased with the results) I am still (slowly)finishing up the tapes, on day 90 something.... Thanks to Mike The tapes are worth their weight in gold as far as I am concerned.





  January, 2001 From Shawn in Oregon – IBSGroup.org


I was just thinking of expressing some of my thoughts on IBS and having it for thirty years. I have pain predominate IBS and alternating C and D. Although I can say had and really mean it, as I am doing so much better at about (85%) and I believe still improving thanks to this BB and Mike's tapes.

I believe my IBS started from a trip to Mexico where I swallowed a small amount of chlorinated water out of a swimming pool and a half hour later, I was very sick with amoebic dysentery and spent the next month seriously close to death. No Joke. They also pumped tons of penicillin into me at this time. However, amoebic dysentery is known to cause inflammation in the digestive tract. I recovered from that and I don't
remember when or how soon I came back from Mexico, I was suffering from severe abdominal pain and alternating c and d.

It wasn't too long before they started the first tests on me and that that testing would continue on and off for a big part of my life and cost thousands of dollars. The first tests were stool samples and upper GI tests all negative. The next test was a lower GI, also negative. Blood tests and all the regular tests from a normal MD. I was ten. In those days no one had a clue about IBS and they called it spastic colon or nervous stomach.

I missed a lot of school and was always trying to catch up in my school work. Since the good doctors couldn't figure it out, I was sent for therapy and put on Librium and told it was psychosomatic.

I struggled for years through school, some working and trying to explain to friends why I was in pain a lot and could not do things. Dating was a problem. They thought I had a stomach ache and it would go away and I should just quit being a big baby. Funny because my boss said that to me also, ten years later as well as a lot of coworkers. More testing. Basically the same kinds of tests over again. Still no advice from anyone on what to do.

My parents were very supportive and my mom is a nurse, which was very helpful and supportive. However, sometimes my mom’s own concern bothered me as she could not help and I could see that in her eyes while I laid there in complete agony from the knife jabbing sharp pains coming from my gut. When I got these pains I would hyperventilate and all kinds of thoughts raced through my head. For me this was already establishing itself into my thought patterns on a day to day basis and I didn't really know much about living any other way as I hit my late teens. I was having episodes at least two to four times a week and that continued until I joined this bb two years ago, although I would have some remissions they always came back and for a while my IBS went cyclic and bothered me most in the winter months, but in the summer improved somewhat. But it came back.

Meanwhile, I continued to try to figure some of it out for myself, in ways I could manage
it or do things to reduce it. Late teens to late twenties. More tests.  New drugs, and from there librax, donnatol, prescription tagament, and a few others I don't even remember, but prozac was one as well. No noticeable long term improvement. Mid thirties. I got serious and went to the best GI doc in town and told him
to test away on everything we could think of that might be applicable. Also worried it could be something else still, although nothing showed up before he tested me and after he tested me. More drugs. Bentyl and valium. Sent to therapy told to relieve stress. I knew this wasn't the cause and thought because the pain was so severe that something had to be wrong in there, it just couldn't be possible to have this much pain
and not have something physically that they could see wrong. I just didn't get it. I did know stress aggravated it but not to the extent I do now or the kinds of stress either environmental, physical, or psychological and at the time I did not know how to reduce it enough with the management techniques I was using and I used a lot of them. I tried all the food aspects and nothing other then some common sense on most things. Although
it made sense what was going in had something to do with it, but in reality looking back now, it was common sense issues of eating too much too fast, fat, spices, etc.. There were some weird signals before an attack. My skin would turn whiter, my eyes would twitch and my hands would sweat. Sometimes I would get dizzy.

My therapist had migraines and knew nothing about IBS, other then realizing some of the symptoms sounded somewhat like some symptoms she would get with her migraines and that it was not in my head (psychosomatic or crazy) and I should go back to the doctor. It wasn't helping me to see her so I agreed. Although she didn't explain serotonin to me, nor did my doctor take the time to either. I feel if someone would have explained some of the mind-gut connections earlier I could have save a lot of time and
effort. I know some are relatively new, but I think they had some idea and either it was too complicated to explain to me or they just didn't have the time. I think at this point one of the best things a doctor can do is explain some of this to new patients. I didn't have any other issues I was healthy otherwise and was playing soccer for twenty years and going professional until I blew my kneecap out.

I believe I personally have a classic case of IBS. For me I believe it is faulty neurotransmitters that are not talking right between my brain and my gut.

Just some thoughts and thank god for hypnotherapy, which I want to add some of my thoughts on as a side note. Of course most people know I work with Mike now, but some probably do not. After meeting him on the bb here and the success I had I decided to work with him as I feel he has one of the most effective treatment tools for IBS. I am drug free and very happy with the results. I want to say something about hypnotherapy in general and what I believe and have seen for myself and these are my own personal comments from my experiences with it.

It is the deepest from of relaxation I personally have ever found.
It has tremendously reduced the pain for me from severe to very mild. I think this has worked two ways. It has steered my thoughts and attention away from the pain when I want and I also believe the relaxation aspect of it is releasing endorphins to my gut.
This has been a big achievement and will save me trips to the ER.
When I wake up in the morning I no longer have IBS on my mind first thing. I no longer dwell on it.
I don't worry too much about going out or bathrooms any more.
I know longer turn white or have my hands sweat.
I can relax my gut at will.
My whole body is more relaxed in general and I didn't realize how tense it was before.
I breathe better and more deeply. Which I have found useful if I feel any twinges of a potential problem.
I sleep better and more deeply. Day to day problems don't bother me like they use to.
I can eat things I couldn't before. I feel like I have been rewired so to speak.
My BM's have improved substantially. There are symptoms I don't even remember and that is unbelievable.

I don't know if this helps anyone and I also don't want to say hypnosis is a cure or the
only thing people should be doing to manage IBS, but it is one majorly effective tool
that isn't understood by a lot of people or used enough by doctors in the IBS world and
why I sound like a broken record sometimes.
However, I hope no one gets tired of hearing about something that really works for the majority of people with IBS as there are just to few of the things that do.





January 29, 2001  From Michelle on IBSGroup.org 


I stuck with the program and finished it several months ago. I cant say enough about the tapes.
My own experience was a positive one.

Being new to hypnotherapy, I was open to anything that might help me cope with my IBS symptoms.
I found the tapes very relaxing and looked forward to listening to Mikes soothing voice during each session.

If life gets too stressful, I can still reflect on what I have learned from his tapes. I encourage anyone thinking of trying this, to do it.

Be sure to realize the commitment you will be getting into, though. You must stay regimented and true to yourself…the 100 days will fly by quickly...at least it did for me.

It was never a chore to listen to the tapes. I truly did look forward it. Good luck to all!   Michelle




January, 2001  From Jean G – IBSGroup.org


I finished listening to Mike's tapes in March 2000. Prior to that I alternated C&D, with constipation and pain lasting 3 days at a time, and a lot of bloating. I rarely am constipated now, and only have pain around my period. Bloating is also to a minimum.

I've found that the tapes have helped other areas of my life, also. I tend to hold my stress in my lower back, and now when I feel the tension in that portion I do self-hypnosis and it relaxes the muscles to the point they don't go into spasms.  I'm extremely lucky because I had only had IBS for about a year before doing these tapes, and so was able to nip it in the bud before it got worse. I listen to a tape or two once a week now just to relax…


I've been helped a great deal by the tapes. I finished them 1-1/2 years ago, and they have eliminated my C and bloating. Previously I would be C for 3 days, and then have D for a day. The tapes are incredibly relaxing, too. I listen to them, usually, about 3 nights a week, and when I do I sleep better, and am in a great mood the next day.




Additional Stories and Past Updates:

From New York City ~ My pain was severe and actually made me almost dysfunctional. I have seen a tremendous reduction in that symptom. Like a consistent reduction that no medication or anything else was able to accomplish. I went thru the 100 day program seeing great relief as early as 21 days into the program. I also experienced better stress management & hence stress reduction. Greatest thing? The fact that IBS was no longer my first thought upon waking in the morning.
My D/C symptoms weren't affected as greatly at the end of the 100 days. However I re-started the program again and saw great reductions within 30 some odd days of the start of my second go round. I'm now looking forward to the release of the follow up recording to the 100 day program that Mike has just completed.


From Nottingham, UK ~ I tried the hypnotherapy program as a last resort because not one thing my doctor or gastroenterologist did for me brought me any relief from abdominal pain.
When I began the program, I did notice benefits occurring from the start - for one I started to sleep better than I had in a long time, then eventually I began to notice that my abdominal pain seemed to be so much easier to tolerate - whether that was because hypnotherapy helped me to relax my abdomen or whether it was a psychological or both I don't know.

Then I noticed that my entire outlook to having IBS changed, instead of sitting about thinking "oh why do I have this terrible condition - I don't know if I can go out and do this and that" my IBS became an issue on the peripheral of life not the main issue anymore and every time I had a bad day it would be like "oh well - I'll probably be better tomorrow".

Because of this and not worrying about it anymore, my IBS has become so much better - I no longer suffer from constipation - although I do have Diarrhea, but my worst symptom which was chronic pain has been virtually eliminated.

This is not to say that I don't have the odd day when the IBS decides to play up - but now psychologically I'm much more able to cope with it and take it in my stride so I can carry on working, having a social life etc.

I have also noticed that it has made me a much more calm person, I no longer get all stressed out about tiny little things and worry myself to death.

I'll be forever indebted to Mike for giving me back my life and something to look forward to.
If only I could conquer other health problems like that!

The program has brought me benefits I couldn't even have dreamt of 12 months ago.
You have nothing lose in trying them - they do not have any adverse effects whatsoever - so they can only help even if it is some small way.

However, statistics done in the field of gastroenterology do show that there is a huge success rate for hypnotherapy in reducing the symptoms of IBS in patients that do not respond to conventional medical treatment.

I guess at the end of the day the choice is up to you and whether you feel comfortable parting with that sum of money, but considering all the other money we spend on treatments - it is a mere drop in the ocean and a real opportunity to help you deal with IBS.



  From Berkley, Michigan 2001 /1999 ~ Ever since I can remember, I have had stomach problems. As a small girl, I was admitted into the local Children's Hospital because I would just be so sick with diahorrea and cramping all the time. They ran the tests, upper GI, lower GI (I remember that one vividly), found nothing abnormal.

I had missed so much school I was in danger of failing, yet when the bus came around in the afternoon, my stomach ache and diahorrea magically disappeared. The doctors told my parents it was a nervous stomach, and that I needed psychiatric help to overcome whatever it was that bothered me about school that was making me sick. They labeled it 'school phobia', and sent us on our way. The psychiatrist I saw for years, up until I was a sophomore or junior in high school, never did figure out what was wrong, but I tried various anti-depressant/sedative type meds to no avail.

My stomach troubles only really bothered me when I was stressed, so I became a people pleaser, that way no one would ever get angry at me and my stomach would stay calm. Smart thinking for such a young girl. It worked pretty well until my mid-20's, I had taken a job at a very nice company, as I climbed the ladder there over 5 years or so, my job got very demanding, the pressure was extreme to say the least, and I found myself popping anti-diarrhea medication just to get through the day. In late 1998 and early 1999, it pretty much fell apart for me. I would outline my drive to and from work with places I could stop to use the restroom if needed, and I needed to stop almost daily usually both coming and going to work. As the job got more demanding, and the management got less and less sympathetic, I found myself completely unable to function, I was having IBS-D attacks daily, it had been months at that point since I had had a normal bowel movement. I had extreme panic and anxiety, I wouldn't go to the mailbox without needing to RUN back inside and barely making it to the toilet for an episode. In June of 1999, I quit work on the spot, no notice, nothing. Just quit. It was quite liberating, and I thought it would solve all my problems, but it didn't. I had a very supportive fiancé, and with his help I found a psychiatrist. He put me on medication, which did take a small amount of my anxiety away but did nothing for my diahorrea.

My primary care doctor referred me to a gastroenterologist, who diagnosed my nervous stomach as IBS, after a barium series and a colonoscopy. He put me on various antispasmodics, they too helped somewhat when I was having an attack, but I was completely helpless to stop them from happening in the first place. I literally spun out of control, not even getting out of my pajamas for a couple of months.

Right before Christmas of that year (1999) I borrowed money from my mom and ordered Mike's program. Within a week of starting the program, my stomach cramps subsided somewhat. Within the first month I was actually able to think them away. To slow down the churning, percolating stomach troubles, and to relax into Mike's voice.

I was finally able to go out, since I hadn't been in months. I'd just put my headphones on and drift off to sleep. I could never stay awake through the whole session. Some nights I couldn't get past the relaxation drill about tensing and relaxing your muscles. And I worried, was I getting the benefit of the sessions even though I was falling asleep, but Mike said that it is OK to sleep during the sessions. It was probably day 50 or more before I stayed awake through a whole session!!

It took only a couple of months to get my entire life back. My IBS was almost completely gone, and 100% controllable. I started going out to dinner, taking up hobbies, even going to outdoor concerts. I had small bouts only when under EXTREME stress, or when I ate things that I knew would be trouble. And every single IBS attack I have had since completing the program has been manageable simply by telling myself that this too shall pass.

It's been a year and a half now since I first got Mike's tapes, and they are still on my nightstand, I listen to tape 1 occasionally. Since Sept 11th, my IBS has come back a little bit. I think it's the anxiety more than anything. It's ok though, I am well equipped to handle it. I may even start the whole 100 days over again soon.

I'm not afraid anymore, because the program has helped me instinctively know how and when to calm myself down. I never would have pictured myself here, feeling as good as I do, if it hadn't been for Mike and his tapes. He is like my very own guardian angel. And an amazing one at that. I will forever be grateful for the work he put into making this program.

With incredible respect and buckets of gratitude and thanks.


From Oakland, Michigan ~ I just really wanted to take a chance to thank you. Your CD's have changed my life...wait - given me my life back. It still just amazes me that doing those relaxing CD's changed me so much. I am having trouble expressing just what it means to me and how much my life has been impacted. My attitude is different about everything. I'm not afraid to go to work or friends' houses. I don't have pain all the time. Not only do I wish there was a way I could buy everyone a set of your CD's that can't afford it but I want to get the word out to doctors and anyone that will listen. Everyone needs to at least try these. There is nothing else I have ever done that comes close to the physical and mental improvements I have seen from doing your CD's.

Thank you with all my heart. Tell your Mom to be proud. Her son has made a real difference in people's lives.