Stressed? Need help managing it?

Stress Audio Program 80

If you are looking for a self-help audio program for stress, how do you decide which is the right one? which is the right one?

Of course, you want it to improve your quality of life otherwise it would be pointless, you want it to be easy to listen to, and structured to maximize the listening experience. And you want something you can look forward to listening to, and you want to feel you are taking part in your own healing.

So how do you decide?

  • Is it the number of tracks?
  • The time it took to develop?
  • The years of therapeutic practice experience of the developer?
  • Is it based on price, structure, content?

These are some of the considerations you will make when deciding to invest in yourself.   So we thought it might be interesting to answer these questions

  • Our Stress Audio Program 80 has 14 interlinked tracks and 1 track of ambient music.
  • All therapeutic tracks are complete and general running time varies between 15 and 30 minutes approximately
  • Priced competitively reflecting the time, and experience that has been put into its development, often a small price to pay for improved quality of life and well-being.
  • Content is hypnotherapy based, informational, using imagery/awareness, suggestion & consideration and options of choice.
  • Available on immediate MP3 download to your PC or Mac - then add to your smart device if you wish!
  • This program took a little over 2 years to develop and structure into the program we offer today.
  • It was developed by Michael Mahoney an award-winning, medical centre based clinical hypnotherapist.

Alternatively, go to the Free Stuff at and get the introduction track free

Or click here to go straight to it!

Don't let stress ruin your life, health and relationships. Learn how to manage it.  Stress is not out there, it is not a person, a situation or a thing that causes it, rather it is your interpretation of the event or actions of the person which is causing your stress.  Change your thoughts, and you change the response.

Grasp the idea that stress comes from within, and you can understand and change it because it is then in your power to do so!

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