IBS Audio Program 100 - What is it?

What is it, and what does it do?

What is it?

This IBS program is a home-use audio program developed specifically for Irritable Bowel Syndrome.  It is the result of 8 years of research, development and patient trials. It has a structure which effectively weaves together specific hypnotherapy processes, with the listener's natural ability to learn (and re-learn), and the individuals' mind-body connection – which means the listener is empowered to change IBS thoughts, feelings and responses.

It is comprised of a structured listening process, which interlinks six specific hypnotherapy sessions, this maximizes user outcomes.  The IBS Audio Program 100 is available in MP3 download format.

What does it do – how can it help me?

In short, it empowers the listener to take control and manage the IBS symptoms.  And it does this easily, gently and comfortably.

If you think the IBS Audio Program 100 sounds only like a set of digital files, think again!.  It was developed to help manage and reduce the physical and emotional symptoms of IBS, to aid you to reclaim your life back, reclaim relationships and generally feel better in mind and body.

Sounds too good to be true?  

Well, lots of people have said that over the years, but this program has proved it can help many of its users, and there have been plenty of them! Hundreds of thousands in fact!

It was released in 1998. Way back before that, 8 years before in fact, research, development and patient piloting took place before it was released.  It is specifically developed for the IBS condition for physical and emotional symptoms.

Recognizing the emotional aspects of IBS, was pretty radical back then, what is now called the mind-body connection and/or the gut-brain axis is pretty well known today, but back then, it was really something. And it still is!

The program is structured too, using our ongoing progressive session induction method or OPSIM for short, this carefully developed system ensures maximization of listening benefits.

With users in 48 countries using it when all else fails, we would prefer it if people tried it as soon as they were diagnosed,

  • it would save much suffering, time and money
  • in some cases, ease frayed relationships,
  • save jobs, school/college attendance time,
  • reduce medication/treatment bills
  • it could cut short and disrupt the negative self believe thoughts and ideas which develop through failed treatment cycles
  • helps dilute the belief system of hopelessness which all too often develops after some time

So …

  • If you are one of those people who feel they are living their lives and raising their kids through the bathroom door,
  • do you dread traffic or travelling, worrying yourself sick about getting cut short, with no bathroom in sight,
  • daily you fear urgency, so much it keeps you at home, or makes you consider changing the job you enjoy,
  • frustratingly your IBS stops you socializing,
  • You find IBS saps your confidence and self-esteem,
  • IBS anxiety is increasing to unacceptable levels,
  • Sleep pattern is being affected by IBS,
  • The IBS drains you so much your memory and recall are reduced
  • many areas of your life are minimized by IBS,
  • Your life feels like it is closing in on you,
  • If holidays and days out are restricted,

Then it really is time you considered the IBS Audio Program 100 for adults.  It has earned its reputation among users and professionals of being a valid treatment option.

The program is hypnotherapy based, and if you don’t know, hypnotherapy is recommended as a psychological treatment option for IBS in the UK’s National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) Guidelines used as guidance for primary care professionals.

The guidelines suggest hypnosis should be considered after 12 months of none effective pharmacological treatment.

Why not upon diagnosis? 

We have no idea! It would certainly make more sense to us and we suspect many IBS sufferers to do so.  Also, it IBS Doctorwould be more cost-effective for the individual, The National Health Service (NHS) and Insurance companies alike. Our program was the first home-use audio program for IBS on the market, it is still the benchmark product in its class. With its structure, content and years of helping even the most intractable IBS sufferer, it comes as no surprise it is often imitated but never beaten!

If all that wasn’t enough, we are offering an extra 15% off the program for a limited time.  (Enter Code:      Save15)       Link to Buy Now

And yes there is a child’s version too, the IBS Audi Program 60! That just goes to show how gentle these natural processes are.

So when you have tried everything else, or if you have recently been diagnosed with IBS, consider the IBS Audio Program 100.

It is now helping its second generation of IBS sufferers, it helped many folk ways back then, and has been ever since.

Its structure and content of suggestion, metaphor, options of choice, gentle knowledgeable delivery by a leader in his field, is rightly seen by many, as the IBS system of choice.

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