Buckingham Palace Invite - 10 years on!

It isn’t often I shout about my work or the benefits it brings to people in over 40 countries, but today, I am going to indulge myself with a bit of back patting.

It is 10 years today that I had the honour of attending the Queens Garden party at Buckingham Palace, in recognition of my research and development of several ‘Innovative Health Solutions’ which included the IBS Audio Program 100, a structured home use program for the common digestive disorder irritable bowel syndrome, also recognised was the Anxiety Audio program 120 (GAD), and the Emotional Recovery after breast cancer program.

Michael Mahoney at Buckingham Palace 2011

At the time I had a wonderfully helpful and supportive consultant from UK Trade and Investment who helped me to develop my recordings business to which I am hugely grateful.

Attending the Garden Party was exciting for me, I also had the added excitement of knowing my work, as a Clinical Hypnotherapist was being recognised. So the day was doubly thrilling!

The day was warm and bright, Cathryn who is now my wife, attended with me. We had a great time, and 10 years on it still holds a special place in my heart in my list of achievements and recognition's.

While IBS does not cause death, it does cause pain and misery along with many emotional and physical symptoms for many sufferers, often resulting a significant lowering of quality of life.

IBS causes incalculable pain and misery to the sufferer and their family, and costs the NHS and insurance companies £millions each year in repeat GP appointments, treatment prescribing plus secondary care appointments and tests and other direct and indirect costs.

In addition IBS is a huge cost to employers too, with increased absenteeism, lowered productivity and other direct and indirect costs impacting profits.

The IBS program took nearly 8 years from concept to market entry in 1998, and it is still going strong, used in 40+ countries, in three languages and available on MP3 downland format and Streamed versions. 

I have to say, the Palace visit did provide a tonic for me, to keep going. The early days of program development were often met with ridicule, and disbelief.

But my high school motto of ‘perseverance’ kept coming to mind. Eventually, several forward thinking GP’s and several Gastroenterologists learned of my work, and my programs, they got picked up on the internet, and as they say, that was the beginning of great things.

Since then, I have developed programs to aid with symptoms for

  • Burnout

  • Stress

  • Osteoarthritis

  • Confidence

  • and, Insomnia

I am always mindful that success only comes before work in the dictionary, and it is something I mention to those I work with, but my work, and programs are always structured, and with structure comes learning, confidence and the inner environment for change and with it, better health and quality of life!


See all Health Program titles here.

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