IBS is much more than an Inconvenience!

Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS

By Michael Mahoney - Author of the IBS Audio Program 100

IBS is much more than an inconvenience, it is not a respecter of age, gender, background or social status - for some people, it strikes out of the blue, for others the symptoms are gradual, they creep up on you, until all the suspicions and denials that something is not right cannot be ignored any longer, you have to do something about it!  Your life gets turned upside down!

Medically it is classed as a 'none serious' condition but that depends on where you sit!

(but there is hope, read on!)

The journey of IBS can be extremely long, drawn-out and frustrating, once 'in the system' medical appointments, travel costs and lost work time all add costs to you, and your employer and increase existing worry, frustration and increasing insecurity.

Picture of a teddy bear peek out behind a door

The medications and appointments continue,

another visit and another doctor review, another, 'come back and see me in 6 weeks.   After six weeks, another appointment and 'come back and see me in 12 weeks, eventually, you lose heart, you go on your own hunt for something, anything, that might ease the IBS symptoms. 

You may have been lucky and found a medication that suited you, but it becomes less effective over time. The hunt is on for something else.

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Meanwhile the:

  • pain
  • bloating
  • diarrhoea
  • constipation
  • gas
  • cramps
  • urgency
  • nausea
  • bloating
  • headaches
  • full bladder feeling
  • reduced sex drive
  • sleep problems
  • tiredness

or any combination of these continue.

PLUS the emotional impact of continuing IBS, (No, you are not often told about these!) takes its toll by:

  • reducing confidence and self-esteem
  • increased anxiety
  • increased frustration
  • increased stress
  • increased worry
  • low energy, and
  • difficulty concentrating

And while all this is going on, you have a job or home to keep, family and relationship responsibilities to meet. And after a while, they get more difficult to do by the day. The world and demands close in around you!

 Is IBS still managing your life?  Time to do something different?  Click here!

wooden tiles spelling the word HOPE


You hope upon hope, that something sooner or later will help, optimism begins to fade, those three little letters, IBS now possibly affecting your every waking moment. Tiredness and frustration become more common, but you keep going.

  • Where is the nearest bathroom?
  • what happens if I get stuck in a traffic jam?
  • or a lift? or,
  • my stomach makes loud growling noises when in a meeting?
  • what if you are a teacher in front of the class
  • or police officer on duty
  • a delivery driver
  • a waiter or a waitress?

Worrisome thoughts and concerns affect many IBS sufferers, regardless of their occupation!

In fact, IBS makes it almost certain that your confidence in and outside of work, college or school classroom is not as it should be!

In addition to the 'normal' things like shopping trips, days out may be cancelled the last thing due to the sudden onset of IBS symptoms. 

One of my patients put it this way: 

"It is very frustrating to one minute feel fine, and the next minute is doubled over in excruciating pain, and rushing to the toilet. And it is embarrassing. Most of the time, you may just lie about what is wrong, because:

  • people either will laugh at you
  • or just say, 'get over it
  • don’t eat that again
  • you are looking for sympathy
  • snap out of it
  • you do this every time you have to go somewhere 

Sometimes an attack can happen out of absolutely nowhere. While enjoying yourself in activities, socializing, while relaxing, or playing, it doesn’t have to be a stressful situation to happen".

She went on to say: 

“It is like having the intestinal  flu every day of your life, and still having to be responsible for parenting, work, and functioning like other people do.” She says that most of her parenting was done in intense pain, and also thru the bathroom door".

Young woman with black hair and black top look down and to the left

Welcome to the world of an IBS sufferer.

Of course, symptoms vary, in frequency and severity because we are all individuals and we all have our own history and life story. 

Many IBS sufferers will be able to relate because they have told me how their life is affected by IBS and after working with IBS patients since 1991 I have a good grounding in how life is for them. 

I have heard many such stories over the years. The medical profession is frustrated too as they don't have the answers or solutions they want to give.

Sadly some medical professionals actively discourage the use of hypnotherapy for IBS management and symptom reduction, even when they and their patients have tried everything offered, without any progress.

Perhaps they are not aware that hypnosis has a proven track record of nearly 40 years in medical trials, with professional papers and journals recording and reporting these findings.  Happily times are changing!

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reHands held up to the blue sky, with handcuff hanging off one wrist, white clouds are seen in the distance


Meanwhile, in the real world, real things are happening!

IBS sufferers are living lives made so much more difficult by IBS.  Not only does IBS affect the individual it affects their loved ones too.

But there is hope, new drugs are being released, and some find help with dietary changes too.  Only the individual can decide what is right in the long term for them. Finding something to help physically and emotionally can be difficult.

But do not give up!

What I have learned by working with IBS sufferers since 1991 and as author of the IBS Audio Program 100, which has been helping IBS sufferers since 1998, is this;


until the IBS sufferer makes changes to their thoughts and expectations, little if any long-term change will happen. 


The IBS Audio Program 100 recognizes the emotional impact IBS has on your life, way back in 1998 that was new!  Now medical professionals talk about the importance of the mind/body connection / the brain/gut axis in IBS psychological treatment and rightly so. 

When I work with an IBS client, or they use the IBS Audio Program 100 one thing they will, and must do, is recognize the importance of emotional energy.

I will explain.

A person who comes to see me or uses the IBS program may have had IBS for years, sometimes a much shorter time, but on average IBS symptoms will have been presenting for 6 years before I am visited.

They have been dealing with IBS on a daily basis, for all those years. And despite the figures showing that up to one in five of the population may have IBS at some stage in their lives, socially IBS is treated lightly, it is literally the butt of jokes, but it is certainly no joke. 

Like my client I mentioned earlier, who felt she raised her kids through the bathroom door, unless you are living with IBS, or someone with IBS you will not understand its impact on life. 

However, when you are living with IBS, all your emotional energy is demanded from you so you can carry out your daily duties and routines, and each day you need to put more energy into your emotional reserves than you take out, but this rarely happens, so over time the emotional energy drains away, quality sleep helps, but this is often a rarity in this day and age of constant and immediate demands which are made upon you.

Each day, these demands are there, but IBS sufferers not only have these life demands, but IBS demands too, as mentioned in the bullet points of symptoms above. 

And because these demands take energy, the IBS sufferer gets to a point where you have no energy left to get well! 

Think about it - you have no energy to get well!

Literally coping day by day, sometimes hour by hour, in addition to all the previously mentioned symptoms, there is a serious risk of burnout, and other serious emotional conditions. 

That is why it is so important to stop the draining away of energy, to put a metaphorical plug in the bucket of emotional energy and save some, even if only a little, every day towards getting well

Picture of IBS Audio Program sessions on mobile device


I recognize I am often the 'last resort' for most of my clients, and the IBS Audio Program 100 is the same, but after everything else has been tried, it is my turn, and I see this as a complement.

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I would of course be happier if I was contacted sooner, or if the IBS Audio Program was used sooner,  but all things at the right time. 

  • Whether I am working with a client or they are using the IBS Audio Program 100, both will learn to structure their recovery, starting with understanding the importance of their emotional energy.
  • Once the importance of emotional energy is understood, progress is made, with a structured approach to listening and a specific tried and trusted IBS protocol to work with, emotional energy is now used productively.

And the more emotional energy you have:

  • the better you feel
  • IBS is controlled
  • symptoms become less
  • sometimes disappearing altogether
  • confidence increases
  • self-esteem goes up
  • negative expectation goes down
  • negative thoughts go down, and much more besides.

The better you feel, the more positively you can use your emotional energy,  which makes life easier for you, and those you love.

The IBS Audio Program 100 is available on MP3 download or Streamed versions.  


Don't let IBS ruin 2022 - IBS? Think - IBS Audio Program 100

Please click the link for more information on the IBS Audio Program 100, such as session structure, testimonials and sound clips. 

 Don't you owe it to yourself to keep looking and trying - thousands before you have used my services or the IBS Audio Program 100


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1 comment

  • At last some help

    Sheila Beswick

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