Perceptions vary greatly!

In what seems a faraway time

well before the lockdown began, I visited a professional photographer for both business and professional reasons. During my visit, I decided I was going to keep out of his way and simply watch the professional at work as he photographed a new product we will be launching in the coming months.

His attention to detail was exacting. He saw shadows and light reflections, which I had never even noticed, and what to me looked really good, was not pleasing to his professional eye. 

Being a curious sort of chap I wanted to know what he was looking at, or looking for, to get the right photo.  He called me over to look in the camera viewfinder, and it quickly became evident, that it only takes a few millimetres of movement to create different shadows and even different moods and reflections. 

My watching at a distancewhich I thought was reflective of his perceptions were simply nothing like his at the viewfinder. 

Key to health programs

And this is true not only in the photographer’s studio; it is true in many areas of our life too. If two people were looking at the same painting they would effectively be seeing something different than the other because where they stand will dictate the light on the picture, the angle they see it at, and much more, not to mention their own likes, dislikes, expectations, and preferences. 

And this can be something to consider when we run images and thoughts in our mind. A fear or phobic response, dread, or a self-limiting belief is seen, felt, and experienced by the individual and yet can only be interpreted by others.   However, that interpretation will often not even be close to the reality of the individual who owns the fear or dread.

And for me, this is important in my work. I often say to people that no problem is too small or trivial if it is serious enough to affect the individual’s quality of life. Sometimes a mental picture cannot be changed, but it can be seen through new eyes, and with new understanding.

As a hypnotherapist

I was taught to put myself in the client’s situation, as closely as possible. Only by getting a real understanding of the presenting problem can we hope to understand and then together find solutions to manage and resolve the problem.

Like the photographer who needs a clear understanding of the importance of lighting, shade, surface quality and so much more, it is only when the subject is understood clearly that I can gain an acceptable picture of the problem, and then through gentle change and repositioning, of thoughts ideas and expectations can we change the mental picture, to one which is more pleasing, motivational and positive for my client, and by changing the picture and associated thoughts, we can change the physical and emotional responses to something better.

This approach is also reflected in my hypnosis audio programs. I explain the mind-body connection, why people feel the way they do. It is only then can they get the full benefit of my recordings. And given the feedback I receive from users, I seem to be doing the right thing.

All too often people like to be seen to be managing their life, on the surface at least, only allowing others to see what they want them to see, and projecting a false or unsatisfactory image of their reality.  But this keeping up of appearances can often come crashing down to the surprise of those around them. 

It is much better to acknowledge the real picture of one’s life circumstances and to take steps to change it, than simply hoping something better will eventually come along.  It is only then that we will feel confident, whole, and well in ourselves. 

To quote my photographer friend, SMILE!

Link to my discounted health programs  (limited offer)

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