Burnout or build up?

Are you heading for burnout,

or are you already there?  and if so do you have a recovery plan? 

Burnout is not an indication of weakness or an inability to cope. On the contrary, it is often indicative of being dedicated to working professionally, having a strong work ethic, being caring and sensitive to the needs of others along with a reluctance to let others down.  

High prevalence groups include health care professionals, business executives, people working to tight deadlines, the self-employed, teachers, generally anyone who is constantly busy, including mums and dads. 

In short, no one is immune from burnout, if the right circumstances present themselves.   


Burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by prolonged stress. When you also perceive that you have little control over the source of the stress, then its negative effects are amplified further. 
Although burnout, often referred to as adrenal fatigue, is most often caused by difficulties at work, it can also be the result of difficulties in other areas of life, such as parenting, caring for an older relative, excessive exercise and romantic relationships. 

People who have experienced burnout know all too well how long it takes to recover. Fatigue seems to linger forever, and you have a difficult time resuming your normal activities. The time to recover from burnout varies and depends on the severity of the burnout, the individual, and the level of support received from work and your loved ones. 

Our Burnout program 75 is an aid to helping you in your recovery.  The program is structured, and available on MP3 download or streamed version 

Dad and child on sledge in snow going down hill having fun

It is a large structured program, click here to see more in-depth information about the scope of this program.  Its structure approach aids in maximizing positive outcomes.   

Take some time with this gentle and easy to use program, follow its structure, let it help you to build yourself up again. 

When it's time to start moving forward again, let this program help you to help yourself.  This program is in our Sale today

Click here to see more about this multi-session structured program.

To see all our audio programs click here


Want to work 1-2-1 with Michael Mahoney click here for information

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