What are you doing about your IBS in 2021

For many IBS sufferers,

a new year is pretty much like a new day, a new week or a new month, same concerns, same worries, same symptoms, same expectations, nothing changes, at least as far as living with IBS is concerned. 

Working with IBS patients of all ages, men and women, teenagers and children the expectations are the same. Adults feel frustrated, stressed, anxious, often socially tense due to lack of bathroom facilities, all in addition to their IBS symptoms. Children, feel the same, with the added hurt for parents of not being able to make it better. 

But does it have to be this way?  IBS affects people physically, emotionally, socially, it strains or breaks relationships, leads to job loss, increased absenteeism from work, college or school, increased medical appointments, and can significantly impact earning and income potential. 

Since 1998 our IBS Audio Program 100 has been used by IBS sufferers around the world. 

For a limited period we are offering up to 37% off the IBS Audio Program 100, it is for a limited time, but we hope it will start 2021 better for you.

Click here for the IBS Audio Program 100  MP3 Download version  (37% off)

Click here for the IBS Audio Program 100 Streamed version (24% off)


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