Stress Relief and Relaxation Program
What do you receive? The Quick Look
Good evening Michael. I am nearly at the end of my stress relief session and it's been marvelous. You've been an absolute Godsend for me with this and helped me cope with my cancer diagnosis so much.
Regards AB - 24 June 2024
Bishop Stortford
Hertfordshire UK
Immediate Streamed Version
What is Stress?
It seems a pretty straightforward question, but the answer is often difficult to quantify. And that's because we are all different, and our tolerance and interpretation of stress are widely different too.
The author of this program Michael Mahoney interprets stress as: 'When internal resources have been outstripped by internal or external demands, whether those demands are real or perceived.
Internal resources - energy - can be drained by life events, whether real or imagined.
Prolonged negative stress can make you ill, can bring disease, and lead to premature death.
This program results from working with men, women, teens and children over many years.
Stress Relief and Relaxation Audio Program aims to help you to manage stress effectively assisting in developing relaxation, and ultimately being able to manage stress rather than stress managing you.
You were not born stressed you have learned to be stressed due to a whole number of reasons. If you have learned to be stressed you can learn how to unstress!
This program is structured with easy listening which could bring you positive results in your goal to improve your quality of life. Using hypnosis, relaxation, suggestion and imagery to bring a positive approach to stress relief.
This immediate streamed version delivers a link to your phone/desktop/smart device and does away with MP3 downloads and synching. Though please click the link if you prefer MP3 downloads.
It is an aid that helps you manage stress effectively. You were not born stressed; you have learned to be stressed for a whole raft of reasons. If you have learned to be stressed, you can learn something different!
Please take a few minutes to listen to the sound clips below, and then scroll down to learn more about the program's structure.
Sample Clips: Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4 Session 5
14 x structured sessions and 1 x track of ambient music and suggested listening schedule.

Stress reduces the effectiveness of your immune system which can lead to both physical and emotional problems if not resolved.
Protecting your immune system is important, even more so in these very unusual times. Long-term high stress levels are known to reduce the functioning and effectiveness of your immune system.
In short, reducing your stress can help protect you from infection and disease.
According to recent statistics from the American Institute of stress 83% of US workers suffer from work-related stress!
Stress relief
(All for a fraction of the price of one-to-one sessions, giving you huge savings)
The use of hypnosis works on the subconscious level to develop new positive coping mechanisms and reinforce existing positive inner resources. It helps to achieve balance and harmony between the mind and the body, instilling relaxation to release tension and other physical symptoms; while also helping more positive thoughts, feelings, and behaviours.
Hypnosis is well known for helping reduce stress, anxiety, IBS, Insomnia and many many other symptoms of mind and body.
What is this program about?
Funnily enough, it is about Stress reduction, Stress management, developing relaxation and helping to develop new coping strategies.
This program offers you options of choice, new considerations, and lots more besides, helping you to learn new positive ways of thinking and feeling.
Positive stress exists of course, and we want to retain its benefits. It is the negative stress where program so often helps.

What's so special about this program?
Well, it's different. It has interlinked sessions, which means it is structured, and with structure, new information, options, and considerations are more easily understood and retained.
Also, this program uses a process called the 'ongoing progressive session induction method' or OPSIM for short.
In the 1990s, stress was defined as the Killer of the '90s. Yet here we are in 2024, and still, we haven't mastered stress. The demands of life are difficult enough without being burdened by unnecessary stress!
14 x structured interlinked tracks and 1 x track of ambient music.
Session 1: Commentary Introduction (approximate running time 20:29)
The mind and body connection are inseparably linked, they respond to internal and external stressors that may be real or perceived. The mind and body connection results in changes in our thoughts, feelings, and emotions. This introduction simply outlines this process, helping you to understand what is going on inside yourself, and gives a foundation which you to build upon.
You are encouraged to listen to this introductory session as a reminder and reinforce the process to help you obtain maximum benefit from this program.
Session 2: Learning to Be More (approximate running time 17:54)
This very gentle, easy-to-listen session is designed to encourage you to begin participating in your own healing. Learning and relearning to relax is the key to successfully managing stress. Taken from our confidence and self-esteem program because it fits well into this program.
The time you spend here will help you better understand the process and pave the way for you to become much more aware of your ability to feel rested and relaxed and expect those feelings to be with you more and more often.
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Session 3: Moments of Relaxing Emotions ~ MORE (approximate running time 20:38)

This session continues the process of developing relaxation and reducing stressors. Gentle imagery encourages you to release demands, stresses, and negative expectations while encouraging positive use of inner space. The process of unburdening allows for positive thoughts and considerations to be poured into space once filled with negatives.
Session 4: Letting Go (approximate running time 20:21)
This session brings awareness of how negative thoughts and expectations can resonate within us. The process used in this session will help you to take in gentle suggestions revealing to you that even though in the past you may have made progress and then perhaps faltered and returned to the familiar negative thought patterns, now you are different, now you are taking a different path, choosing a different way of moving on. You will be gently reminded that you are now doing something different and something structured and being encouraged positively, and because of this, the outcome can be different.
Session 5: Each Moment (approximate running time 17:49)
This session encourages you to begin to use your new way of thinking to push back barriers and limitations that have held you back. I acknowledge that there may have been times when you needed to rest, recover, or remain still, but now I recognize that you can be more, much more! Now you are changing, feeling stronger, better, freer, and more in control.

Session 6: Reflection (approximate running time 15:33)
Those days when it perhaps felt you were uncertain where to turn, what to do and how to climb out of those difficult times are far in the past; the rungs of the emotional ladder are much closer together now, climbing higher into emotional well-being and general happiness is now much easier, life more enjoyable and thoughts more positive and sure.
Session 7: Confidence (approximate running time 20:07)
Confidence is not difficult to grow, you have to simply learn to trust yourself, to let yourself be in touch with your own awareness and understanding, and in touch with your innate ability to learn and relearn new ways of thinking and feeling. You are now learning to have renewed confidence in yourself and to know that you can and will achieve those things you want to achieve in a way that is gentle yet effective.
Session 8: Light of Consciousness (approximate running time 26:58)
This longer, gentle session encourages you to go deeper into relaxation using imagery and suggestions. Also, using colour with suggestions helps you dissolve negative thoughts and expectations and replace them with further calm and positive thoughts and feelings. This session not only builds on the previous ones but helps to anchor in the learning so that you can be a more relaxed and balanced individual and able to meet challenges more quickly as the mind and body work together.
Session 9: Parachute Time (approximate running time 20:56)

By encouraging you to let go of the negatives, this session uses the gentle imagery of drifting down slowly and quietly into relaxation as if beneath a large parachute of safety. You will be reminded that whatever needs to be changed in your life can be changed and that you can let go of whatever needs to be released. You can embrace every positive emotion, recognizing that even negative emotions can provide learning and understanding and can be released.
Session 10: Inner Universe (approximate running time 26:05)
This session encourages you to build an inner universe using metaphors to reinforce positive suggestions and learning. You will benefit from an abundance of pleasant imagery that will ease you gently into relaxation while you still move on and progress by letting go of stress and demands and allowing negative thoughts and attitudes to drop away.
As you continue to move on positively, you will be free to develop new positive thoughts, pathways, and ideas.
Session 11: Dilution of Negatives (approximate running time 21:31)
Using gentle guided imagery, this session encourages you to relax completely, broadening and expanding this relaxation as it becomes more and more a part of you. Through the new relaxation, you will reduce stressors, anxieties, and negativity. You are guided by gentle imagery of clouds and sunshine, which helps you reinforce control in your life while letting go of burdens.

Session 12: Golden Threads (approximate running time 20:26)
Each negative thought is supported by memory and emotion. This session uses imagery and suggestions to release what is no longer needed while encouraging your new internal solid support system for keeping and enhancing positive thought patterns.
Session 13: Your Uniqueness (approximate running time 18:06)
We all have a place in life! In fact, we have many places we are meant to be, places in relationships, socially, and in all aspects of our lives. Wherever your journey in life takes you, there is a place for you. But you can also find better places because we don’t have to be stuck; we are constantly changing and moving on. Your uniqueness is the key to success in any aspect of your life.
Session 14: Bridges to Cross (approximate running time 22:01)
A reflective session, which again uses imagery and metaphor to maximize the benefits of the journey you have made through this program and in life. Problems have been overcome, released, and let go. Positives have been embraced; suggestions and ideas have helped you to find your way. You are building your bridges to overcome problems, and your new resources help you make more bridges to tremendous success.
Session 15: Ambient music (approximate running time 31:10) Not included in the listening schedule
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Inventory Last Updated: Mar 14, 2025