Michael Mahoney hypnotherapist interview
Michael Mahoney hypnotherapist interview. Michael gives answers to some of the more common questions he is asked at his presentations.

Some people want to simply go to our audio programs information quickly, some ask for a little more information about the programs which Michael Mahoney the man behind our audio programs development answers below.
Aren't you just selling MP3 downloads, and Streamed Recordings?
No, it's not that simple. Our audio programs contain proven therapeutic interventions and responses to some of the most serious, quality of life limiting conditions faced by many in society. Seeing them as 'just' is like saying a reference manual, or a cookery book is 'just' a book. They are information guides, explainers, empowering the reader to do or be better. My programs explain, empower, structure, encourage and much more, so no, not that simple.
Why did you go down the path of producing Health Assistance Programs?
Quite simply, I wanted to make a positive difference to those who were not well enough to come to my practice for help. My audio programs provide another option, sometimes the only option for those with difficult conditions.
It started with the IBS Audio program 100, over 25 years ago, and now we have many other titles to offer. I entered the hypnotherapy profession to help others, and while that may sound a little weak these days, it is none-the-less true.
It seemed to me developing our programs seemed a cost effective way of meeting my aims to help as many people as I can in the most effective and affordable manner. It was after seeing the faces and hearing the heart-wrenching stories from IBS sufferers, that started my journey into digital health product development. And I did it without seed-capital or financial investors of any kind. Back in the day, hypnosis and hypnotherapy was frowned upon, but I was determined to do what I was driven to do. Help others.
How long does it take to produce your audio programs ?
This depends. I have heard of therapists who churn out an audio recording at the rate of 1 a week or more! Any hypnotherapist can do that.
Our Programs are much different, and take much longer to develop. For example the IBS Audio Program 100 took five years to develop, and had three years patient piloting, before I released it in 1998.
It was the first home use IBS program on the market, and is trusted by users in 45+ countries now. So going for quantity rather than quality is not our way. I insist we develop quality products, which are really aimed at the problem presented.
I also wanted to make sure they were affordable. These days many apps are monetized, so the user pays monthly or quarterly fees on-going.
Our MP3 programs are a one off fee, and yours to keep, which makes sense to me. And we don't collect data in any of our programs. We never have and never will. I don't like my information being mined and sold on, so our policy is simple - we don't, never have and never will.
All Hypnosis programs are the same aren’t they?
The quick answer is no. See above!
Our self help audio programs are professionally recorded by qualified .Our programs are researched and structured and most have listening schedules to optimize the outcomes.
Also they are done from a basis of caring and genuine drive and wanting to make a positive difference in people lives. Yes we need to make a small profit so we can live just like anyone else. However we put a lot of time effort and money into developing new products. We take our time, and we always get there!
Listening schedules? Sounds comlicated?
Most of our main programs have a suggested listening schedule. They are simple to follow and are a suggested guide to listening.
Anyone who knows 1 + 1 = 2 will be able to follow the schedule and maximize the audio programs effectiveness.
It is of course at the users discretion whether they listen to the program in the suggested way, and it makes sense to me, to get the most out of your investment in yourself.
It is only a matter of reading the accompanying booklet and looking at what session to listen to on what day. Simple!
Our daily streamed version (we have an immediate version too) even does away with having to look on the listening schedule, as we send links direct to our customers smart device or computer for daily listening. Simple!
In fact I have had emails from users where English is not their first language who have said the IBS Audio Program 100 not only helped their IBS, but their English too, so that’s great to hear, I would never have thought about that aspect of the recordings, but very pleased to hear it.
Look, I have worked for over 38 years with clients in my practice, I understand the pain, frustration, the worry and fear, and all the rest that goes with many health conditions.
That is why I have spent years developing programs to best meet the needs of the IBS sufferer, the Anxiety and Stress sufferer, those in pain through Osteoarthritis, or emotional recovery from breast cancer, the people who cannot sleep, or lack confidence for whatever reason. The burned out. I am passionate about doing all I can for them. So I do.
What would you say your audio programs USP – Unique Selling Proposition are?
This is an easy one for me to answer. First we don't sell, we prefer people to have informed choices. I have never been one for selling, certainly never hard-selling. I prefer the more relaxed way of getting my programs out to the people.
Our customers get audio programs specifically developed for their presenting problem, not audio programs put together simply to make a quick buck! It's unethical and it's unfair to do that. I'm my opinion at least.
Our audio programs are developed for the specific issue mentioned in the title. I don’t believe just throwing audio programs together is the right way of doing things, not for our customers any way!
These are serious conditions, and should be taken seriously, I and Healthy Audio Hypnosis do exactly that.
The IBS Audio Program 100 for Irritable Bowel Syndrome in adults.
The Anxiety Audio Program 120 for those who are anxious, and need a structured approach to this problem.
Emotional recovery after breast cancer for breast cancer survivors
Burnout. For those who have been doing to much for to long
Osteoarthritis An aid to help with pain management to to improve mood.
Confidence and self esteem for those who need to address negative thought patterns,
And we have lots more to offer too!
See our Best selling programs here See all our products and Services
Another USP is that I have been in practice since 1986, I am not someone who simply wanted a change of career or someone who has been in a profession and wants to make some money while awaiting retirement! This is my vocation; I truly believe this is what I was born to do.
Another USP is that I put all my 38+ years of experience with patients into my recordings so it is not 'just' an MP3 download or streamed program being purchased. I try and give as much in my recordings as I would give in one to one sessions.
I guess not least is the fact we have been helping people with our programs for more than 26 years now, we are not a ‘here today, gone tomorrow’ company, which is more important than ever in this day and age.
People want good products and good service, and I believe we deliver both, in a professional and timely way, and we are often told we do, so that is satisfying to know.
What if I don’t believe in hypnotherapy?
This is easy! Then you wouldn't buy them! Maybe you might think about it again a few years down the line, after more years of IBS, or Anxiety or whatever else the problem is.
To the unbeliever, I would simply say, do some research. Not a quick look on social media site, but a deep search, look at medical sites and research sites for answers. Ultimately, its worth waiting until you are in a more positive frame of mind. There is no point spending money on something you might never use.
Though the medical profession have recognized hypnosis as a valid treatment option since the middle 50’s. In the UK, in 2008 the Governments’ health organisation the National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) gave the green light for doctors to prescribe hypnotherapy for the treatment of IBS, after 12 months of ineffective drug treatment.
In short: I would much rather people take time to consider my work, and come to them when they are ready, rather than doing them reluctantly.
The old saying comes to mind here ‘When the student is ready, the teacher will appear’ Simply when the time is right, you will get the most out of our audio programs.
What has been your biggest disappointment?
In the late 1990’s I sent the IBS Audio program 100 to a publicity company in London to see what they thought of it.
Now, I should say, that this program took me years to develop, I raised money on the equity in my home to develop it (no research grants were available, IBS drug companies said no to helping me develop it, over the counter medicine companies said no too, and I wrote in total to 24 of them. In hindsight it was the best thing to happen. And here we are today, no investors to answer to, which gives us flexibility to give discounts, make offers as we want)
When the reply came back from the PR company, it read that the IBS Audio Program 100 was ‘unmarketable’ and ‘should be forgotten’.
My first big disappointment was getting that letter. The second came several years later, because I did not keep the letter, it was rubbish so I consigned it to the rubbish bin. My regret is doing that because now the IBS Audio Program program has helped many many thousands of people in over 45 countries.
What a bad call that PR Company made. But what kept me going was that same thing what keeps people looking for a solution. It gives me drive and determination to make a difference, and that is what I hope all my programs do for those who use them.
Then the work and the time and effort put into developing them, will all have been worthwhile.
What is your proudest achievement?
I have a few, though I don’t feel comfortable with the word proudest, but being invited to the Queens Garden Party at Buckingham Palace in July 2011 as a direct result of my “innovative health solutions” referring to my hypnosis programs, that is really high on the list.
Winning several innovation and research awards for my work in IBS and Cancer are some of the highlights of my career.
Contributing to the funding and organizing of the UK’s first IBS awareness evening at Liverpool University years ago is another,
Receiving an email from a grateful user of my work, who I will never meet, who has put time aside to write to me, that is a wonderful feeling too.
What annoys you?
What frustrates me rather than annoys me are people who email for help, and don’t say thank you.
I often spend lots of time putting an answer together (my typing style is search & stab!) and then nothing, not even a thank you.
That frustrates me, though I should know by now that people are often desperate for information to help them to move on. If nothing else I hope in hindsight they reflect and realize that I, or others in the company tried to help them.
You never know, their search may lead them back to our audio programs!
How long will you carry on?
I have lots of work to do, other important titles are in the pipeline, as long as I have my health, and the belief I am doing good, I will continue the work I believe I am meant to do this, I am meant to serve.
Which is your favourite program?
This is difficult, as they are all special to me. The IBS Audio Program 100 started it all for me, so that holds a special place in my affections.
The anxiety Audio program 120, is one of the largest program I have developed with resource libraries and lead in session. That was a challenging program to develop.
The Emotional recover after breast cancer program, has been widely reviewed by cancer professionals and deemed to be a valid treatment option, and that is special too.
I think this leads us back to somewhere near where we started. Simply, no matter what the condition whether IBS, Anxiety, confidence, Cancer recovery, Chronic Pain, or any of our other programs including Insomnia and stress, if it is affecting the individual's’ life negatively, it should be classed as serious.
Excerpts from an interview with Michael Mahoney July 21st 2009 – updated in 2011 and 2015, 2022 & 2024