About Us

Working to bring the best hypnosis recordings to our customers since 1998.

The short version:

We help people to have better health, which leads to a better life. Simple!  

  • Can you imagine, how the IBS suffer would feel if they managed or eliminated their IBS symptoms?
  • Or the person with Anxiety, when they are free of its grip?
  • The stressed person, who learns they had the answer within them all the time?
  • The breast cancer survivor, who learns why they feel wretched even when physically they are healing?
  • Or the the parent whose child has IBS, and they go to school again?  
  • How about the insomniac, who finally gets to dream?
  • The Osteoarthritis sufferer who can sleep again, reduce their pain and enjoy a brighter mood?
  • The individual who learns to build or re-build their confidence and Self-Esteem again?
  • The once Burnout individual, who can laugh and play and relax again

Well for many thousands of our customers all the above is not a dream, it's reality. We specialize in bringing innovative health solutions to market, and our team have been doing it since 1998, through Healthy Audio Limited.

Go to our most popular programs

What we do:

We developed affordable health related audio programs and single stand-a-lone hypnosis recordings.  Here at Healthy Audio Hypnosis we work hard at making our hypnosis programs easy to use.  And we do it well.

Our programs and  are used in 45+ countries, and some of our programs have been providing services since 1998 - such as the highly acclaimed IBS Audio Program 100, and we expect to be here for many years to come too!

What do you get out of our programs

In short it depends what you put into them. They take time and structure to use, if you give them that, then you have put yourself on a journey of gentle change.  Of course we are all different and outcomes vary, but if you are committed to them, why would you expect not to be successful?

The slightly longer version

What makes us different?  Several things really.  Firstly, all our products are our original work, developed through sometimes years of research, development and patient piloting.

Our hypnosis programs and hypnosis singles have been developed by Michael Mahoney, who is a leading clinical hypnotherapist with multiple innovation and research awards for his work.

Many of our audio programs use the Ongoing Session Induction Method (OPSIM) a specifically developed suggested listening structure developed to maximize user benefits. 




Healthy Audio Hypnosis (Part of Healthy Audio Limited) are a small company but we are making a massive positive impact in the lives of our users.

Importantly we don't have any investors to answer to, so we don't push aggressively for sales, preferring instead to give potential customers information, so they can make an informed choice before purchasing.

Nor do we send mailshots every week or fortnight, we dislike spamming!  Generally we only send customer mailshots when we have a new product. So don't expect to get lots of flower emails from us telling you how good we are! 

We don't have sales targets to hit either, we just work on doing our best. 

We are flexible. We are empowered, and we want to do our best for you. This has been Michaels policy since 1998, through it we have grown, we have repeat customers, and we are known to do our very best for you, and ourselves. And just as importantly, we have been doing it for 26 years, few if any hypnosis product company can say the same - so we are doing something right!

And that feels good!


We are large enough to develop award winning programs, and yet small enough to care.  

We pride ourselves on our customer service as well as our products, which include the highly acclaimed IBS Audio Program 100 for adults, and the IBS Audio Program 60 for Children.

Additionally we have multi-session programs for

  • Anxiety (GAD),
  • Insomnia,
  • Stress,
  • Emotional recovery after breast cancer,
  • Osteoarthritis,
  • Burnout,
  • Confidence and Self-Esteem
  • Cancer and Recovering Emotions (CARE)
  • Smoking Cessation
  • Chronic Pain
  • Job Loss / Laid Off

We have others in the pipeline too!

All developed using our structured approach of bringing ideas to life, so you live your better life.  

All of our products are available on immediate MP3 download, and most have streamed versions.

We are located in North Yorkshire, England. Healthy Audio have been in business since 2006, when we took over the TL Recordings company who had many years of product research and development. Since then we have been providing our products around the world through our Healthy Audio Hypnosis website.

This site is fairly new selling online since 2007, before then our MD, Michael Mahoney was selling online since 1998, so we have 26 years online presence, and we intend to be here for a long time yet!

Our products have a pedigree which is the envy of many of our competitors, our IBS Audio Program 100 for example is used in over 45 countries, has been mentioned in many books, and magazines and has been used by hospitals and support groups.

As mentioned, we are a small company headed by Michael Mahoney an award winning clinical hypnotherapist who in late 2017 left his practice in Cheshire to live in North Yorkshire with his wife Cathryn.

Helen, in customer sales is eager to help wherever we can.  With Healthy Audio Hypnosis, you can be certain you will be treated with professional courtesy at all times.

If you need to contact us, use the contact form and we will respond as quickly as we can. We are UK based (GMT) 9.00 am - 5.00 pm Monday to Friday (except national and annual holidays and one day a month when staff training is held). 

 Go to our most popular programs

Healthy Audio Hypnosis is a wholly owned website of: 

Healthy Audio Limited (Incorporation Number 05952250) Incorporated on 2 October 2006, Registered Address: c/o Old Post Office, Main Street,  Ravenglass, Cumbria CA18 1SD England, United Kingdom