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Insomnia Relief Audio Program - MP3 download version.

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Insomnia Relief Audio Program 60 - MP3 Version


MP3 Version - Pay once, yours forever!

 This Insomnia relief Audio Program MP3 was developed to aid a natural and restive sleep pattern.

We all have times of poor sleep occasionally. However, after a few nights, we expect they will pass. Insomnia results from regular sleepless nights, leading to extreme tiredness. To this end, chronic sleeplessness can become a self-fulfilling cycle for some, which you should avoid.


Insomnia Audio Program 60 MP3 version


Insomnia can be destructive, increasing frustration and inability to focus and concentrate, leading to increased daily dangers. 


Personal relationships, work, and college life may also be affected.


No single treatment method can claim to be a definite solution to insomnia. However, our insomnia relief treatment aid may be a good contender. Providing you with the tools you need to address sleeplessness. 



Download this Program to your desktop and sync your files to smart devices. Alternatively, add them to your iCloud storage.


Not sure about downloading and syncing - try our streamed version instead!


This insomnia relief & treatment program has multiple audio tracks and a listening schedule.

The Program uses the ongoing progressive Session Induction Method or OPSIM, which improves results.


The program has eight audio recordings.

This recording uses relaxation, imagery, suggestion, consideration, motivation, encouragement and more, all delivered gently and easily.

Note: See sound clips at the bottom of the page.

Track 1

The introduction. This is a relatively short track, as this recording assumes you will:

  • a: Know a lot about insomnia, and
  • b, not want information which is available elsewhere.

Alternatively, we chose to set the scene for our program content, believing that the more you understand, the easier the process is.

Track 2
It explains the mind-body connection. Did you know every thought produces a physical response? It would be best to become aware of this vital connection, which is inseparable and touches the mind, body, emotions, expectations, emotional energy, and much more.

Michael explains this complicated process simply to help the listener understand what may be happening inside. This empowers the listener throughout the program and thereafter. 

Track 3
Builds familiarity into the process, gently and comfortably encouraging the familiarity process to develop and deepen.

Child Sleeping in feather bed

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Track 4
Using creative imagery and suggestion, you are taken on a journey imagining being bathed in calmness, and negative thoughts, expectations, tensions, etc., are released. The gentle suggestions contained in this track soothe the listener. 

Track 5
It builds the expectation of sleep, and this is important. This process is calming and soothing and continues to guide you into greater relaxation, calmness, and positive expectations for a restful night's sleep.

Track 6
It uses the listener's mental space, encouraging creative imagery and suggestions to guide the listener into deeper levels of their inner being. Relaxation and expectations of restful times are also encouraged, along with other offers and imagery.

Track 7
More imagery and deepening the process, some future work, enhancing the expectation of restful sleep and lots of imagery to encourage the listener to embrace the feelings of positive rest and sleep once again. Packed with imagery and guided by Michael's familiar tones.

Track 8
Encourages deep imagination, mental space, and time to create the inner world of rest, calm sleep, and positive expectations.





Our hypnosis insomnia audio program is a multi-session structured recording with a listening schedule to maximize user benefit. 

The final session brings familiarity and well-being, which were developed through patience, perseverance, and encouragement throughout the program.

Track 9

Bonus music track.


Once you have listened to the Insomnia Audio Program MP3, as recommended, listen to your favourite recording(s) at any time.

Insomnia can be destructive to the individual, increasing frustration and inability to focus and concentrate, leading to increased dangers in everyday life. Insomnia affects relationships, work, college, and so much more.

We do not pretend there is a quick fix to insomnia, but we realize that it rarely just appears; it appears gradually and steadily over time.  

The structured approach in this Insomnia Relief Audio Program is an aid to gradually re-introducing the positive thoughts and expectations to build, grow and maintain restful sleep patterns.

Our sleep system protocol, uses hypnosis, relaxation and suggestion to aid restful sleep.

Sound Clips      Session 1         Session 2         Session 3      Session 4

                          Session 5          Session 6          Session 7          Session 8         

  Round yellow ball with smiley face

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This Program was developed by Michael Mahoney award-winning clinical hypnotherapist. If you intend to use this Program on your iOS smart device, you can add it to your iCloud storage or home page or - download it to your PC or Mac and synch it.

Every product is unique, just like you. If you're looking for a product that fits the mold of your life, the Insomnia Relief Audio Program - MP3 download version. is for you.

Inventory Last Updated: Mar 10, 2025