Healthy Audio Hypnosis Blog by Michael Mahoney

  • Stress Relief and Relaxation Program 80 MP3 version - SALE ON

    Stress relief does not have to be difficult, it often needs some time, effort and structure applying to resolve it. The Stress Audio Program 80 is a structured program to aid stress relief and greater resilience.
  • Stress - Bang, Flab or Full?

    The word Stress has worked its way into our vocabulary over many years. In the 1990s Stress was called the killer of the 90s such was the impact o...
  • Stress! When you say “I’m fine” you might be making matters worse!

    Stress is alive and well and flourishing in our society! Stress is impacting the lives of the young and old, in countries around the world.  Did yo...
  • Why does the mind sabotage the healing process?

    Like it or not, it happens! When we have ongoing health conditions, we do our best to resolve the problem the best way we can, as quickly as we c...
  • What price good health?

    What price good health?  There are few things more rewarding and precious than good health, and yet we punish our mind, body and emotions daily, fo...
  • Chronic stress and the immune system.

    Stress is a part of everyday life for most of us, Some stress is good for you as long as it is short-lived, but when stress is prolonged it can ca...
  • IBS Sufferers – Don’t say you are ‘fine’ when you’re not – and here’s why!

    The mind and body are inseparably connected. Your internal speak, can help you to overcome emotional and physical problems. The first step is to be honest in your words and replies to others.
  • Stress Audio Program 80 - For Stress Management and Relief.

    Stress brings feelings of powerlessness Do you live life fearing what is going to happen next?Are you putting on a brave face every day? Is your c...
  • The light at the end of the tunnel!

    When things are difficult and on-going... we often use or hear the phrase about the light at the end of the tunnel. The user of the phrase is basic...
  • Stress treatment and prevention

    Both the lock-down and the opening up of society again... ...have caused or increased stress in millions of people. Worries about ourselves, our lo...
  • Good Health? Is it worth the time and effort involved?

    Many years ago... a prospective client came to see me for hypnotherapy for his presenting problem. He was a businessman, plenty of money and always...
  • Perceptions vary greatly!

    In what seems a faraway time well before the lockdown began, I visited a professional photographer for both business and professional reasons. Duri...